Monday, September 30, 2019

Albert Bandura-social cognitive learning theories

Essay 4 Pieter van Rooyen 17333652 Albert bandura can be regarded as one of the most important representatives of social cognitive learning theories. He’s theory on observational learning (learning by observing behavior) is the single most important form of learning. He argues that people learn most of their behavior through observation and only a little through direct contact. The reason for this is the complexity of most behavior, and that this can’t be learned through verbal instructions.This essay will focus on the principles of observational learning, highlight the strength and weaknesses, and also how observational learning can promote positive intergroup relations on campus at the University of Stellenbosch. Observation is a common learning tool and many, if not most do it unconsciously. The term modeling is used to describe this. This is when an observer observes the behavior of a model and then repeats the behavior. There are a few factors that influence this o bservational learning.They are the nature of the modeled behavior, the characteristics of the model, the characteristics of the observer, the result of the models behavior and the self-efficacy perception of the observer. The nature of the modeled behavior refers to the actual behavior. The situation in which the behavior takes place and if it is new or old behavior. New behavior attracts more attention than old behavior. The characteristics of the model plays an important role in observation learning.This includes age, sex, race and status. A model with high status is more likely to be imitated. The observer’s characteristics also play a major role in learning new behavior. The motivation and interests of the observer as well as the values and self-confidence has a major impact on the selection of models to imitate. An important factor is the result of the models behavior to determine whom to imitate. The reward gained from a certain behavior is a major motivator to imitate behavior.The final factor, the self-efficacy perception of the observer means that the observer needs to believe in his own capabilities to reproduce behavior. One can’t try to imitate an Olympic gymnast if you don’t believe you can. The strength of Bandura’s observational learning theory is that it gives a clear and accurate picture of how behavior is learnt. We can clearly see that adults and children copy each other’s behavior in certain situations. Strength to his theory is that it can be applied to real world problems, like cultural gaps or discipline problems at school level.This could mean that proper behavior can result large scale changes among people if only more people model the right behavior. One of the clear weaknesses in the observational learning theory is that too much emphasis is placed on what happens to the observer after he imitates the model rather that what the observer actually does with the information gained from the model. Inter group relations at the University of Stellenbosch can really benefit from positive social behavior.When one social group sees another social group, regardless of race, gender, age or religion act in a positive and uplifting manner and reap rewarding results from this, this could lead to change in the former social group. Even more, if this is done properly, it can quickly spread and even more social groups can bring on change, first in their own group then by modeling it, change another group. This can defiantly lead to a positive change on Stellenbosch campus.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Essay

Over the years, many researchers have dedicated their time and energy to study adolescent alcohol abuse. They have found that there are many factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse. These factors are psychological, environmental, social, and cultural. Not all of these factors play a part in every adolescent who abuses alcohol, but one of these factors is usually present. Psychological disorders have been found in both American, and Taiwan adolescents who abuse alcohol. The health risks of adolescent alcohol abuse are great. Alcohol affects the physiology of a young person. It disrupts the genetics and hormonal balances that are critical in the early development of youngsters. Treatment of alcohol abuse is a great state of change and development. Many therapists, doctors and counselors are trying to incorporate new treatment ideas and methods into the traditional techniques that have been used for years now. It is important to research the factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse because if these factors are detected early, and an adolescent is put into a prevention program the likelihood that they will abuse alcohol will greatly decrease. Psychological Factors. See more:  Manifest Destiny essay According to the research, there have been many psychological problems found in adolescents who abuse alcohol. The majority of the research has been done in order to solve the question of whether or not these psychological factors are present before an adolescent abuses alcohol, or after the alcohol abuse has occurred. In the research done by Rhode, Lewinsohn, and Seeley (1996), they used a community sample of 1,507 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. The adolescents were classified into the categories of abstainers, experimenters, social drinkers, problem drinkers, and abuse and/or dependent groups. In this study, 373 subjects met the criteria for depression, 15 were bipolar, 93 suffered from manic core symptoms, and 124 had an anxiety disorder (Rhode et al. , 1996). Furthermore, anxiety disorder and depression were psychological disorders that were more prevalent in female adolescents with alcohol abuse than their male counterparts. Males who abused alcohol tended to suffer from antisocial personality disorder. It is believed that females who suffer from anxiety disorder or depression use alcohol as a self-medication to make them feel better. According to Clark, and Bukstein (1998), one form of antisocial disorder known as conduct disorder lead adolescents to act out and seek out new experiences. This is probably the reason why adolescent males with an antisocial disorder turn to alcohol abuse. According to Rhode (et al. , 1996), â€Å"More than 80% of adolescents with an alcohol use disorder had another psychiatric disorder†¦. † (p. 106). In his study, the alcohol abuse tended to follow rather than proceed the psychiatric disorder. From this, it can be concluded that certain psychological disorders such as antisocial disorder, and depression are a factor in adolescent alcohol abuse. Environmental Factors Many studies have focused on the environmental factors that adolescents are exposed to, and how these factors lead to alcohol abuse. The aim of a study performed by Clark, Lesnick, and Hegedus (1997), â€Å"Was to examine trauma history and other adverse life events in adolescents with alcohol dependence or abuse and to compare them with a sample of community-dwelling adolescents without alcohol use disorder† (p. 1746). This study included 256 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and eighteen (Clark et al. , 1997). Adolescents who abused, or were dependent on alcohol reported more traumas then those in the control group. The types of abuse experienced by males and females tended to differ. Females experienced more sexual abuse, and males tended to be victims of violent acts. Both sexual abuse victims, and victims of violent acts showed increased amounts of alcohol use than those adolescents who were not abused in any way. If subjects experienced a number of traumas, they tended to abuse alcohol more than those that experienced only one trauma or no trauma at all. From this study, it can be concluded that trauma and abuse leads to adolescent alcohol abuse. Social Factors A study done on Hispanic and Black adolescents in the New York inner cities concluded that there were indeed social factors that contributed to adolescent alcohol abuse. The study used a sample of 4,874 Hispanic and African American seventh graders. The purpose of the study was to identify the social risk factors that promote adolescent alcohol abuse in Hispanic and African American (Epstein, Botvin, Baker, & Diaz, 1999). If an adolescent’s friends tended to drink on a consistent basis, he/she showed a greater amount of alcohol abuse than those who did not associate with friends who did drink alcohol. Also, family members play a major part in adolescent alcohol abuse. The family is another social factor that contributes to adolescent alcohol abuse. If an adolescent saw their parent consume alcohol, they also tended to abuse alcohol. Parents were not the only family members that influenced adolescent alcohol abuse; siblings also had an influence. If a sibling abused alcohol, the adolescent models this abuse. Their findings were present in both Hispanic and African American adolescents. Cultural factors. In the study done by Epstein and her collogues, cultural differences were also a factor in adolescent with alcohol abuse. According to Epstein (et al. , 1999), â€Å"Hispanic adolescents consumed more alcohol per drinking occasion and had greater intention to drink in the future than black adolescents. This was true when the models were tested separately for girls and boys† (p. 16). The use of alcohol among Hispanics could be due to the fact that it may be a cultural practice that allows an adolescent to identify with their culture. Religion is another cultural factor that plays a role in adolescent alcohol abuse. African American religions consider the consumption of alcohol a sin, so if an African American practices in their religion they are less likely to abuse alcohol than someone who does not practice their religion. However, this was not a factor for Hispanic adolescent alcohol abuse. A final cultural difference may be that more Hispanic adolescents have immigrated to this country in past years than black adolescents have. Therefore Hispanic adolescents have had the added stress of adapting to a new society. In turn Hispanic adolescents turn to alcohol abuse as a way of coping with their increased stress. Taiwan All of the studies mentioned above were performed in the United States. However, there have been studies done in other countries on adolescent alcohol abuse. One study was done on adolescents living in Taiwan. The results were very interesting. Many of the factors that are presents in American adolescents were also found in adolescents living in Taiwan. According to Chong, Chan, and Cheng (1999), â€Å"Among those successfully interviewed, 411 were males and 363 were females. Their mean age was 15. 23 years† (p. 1389). Like American adolescents who abused alcohol, Taiwan adolescents also had psychological factors presents. The most common psychological disorders found in Taiwan adolescents were disruptive behavior disorder, depression, and antisocial disorder. These disorders were also present in American adolescents. Alcoholism and Health Adolescent alcohol abuse is recognized as a major health concern in the United States. According to Arria and Tarter (1991), â€Å"It is likely that an older adolescents who first consumed alcohol in the preteen years will experience greater alcohol-related medical complications than will an adolescent who has been drinking for a shorter period of time† (p. 52). Although the length of time that an adolescent has been drinking is a major factor related to health, it is not the only one. Other factors may include how much alcohol is consumed at one sitting, and just what age the adolescent began to drink. Very heavy drinking may cause accidental injury. And, drinking at an early age may cause gross developmental complications. Arriea and Tarter (1991) noted that many adolescents also experiment with other drugs, while they are under the influence of alcohol. Other drugs may range from marijuana to crack cocaine and LSD. Using alcohol and other drugs combined can cause serious health risks and concerns. One major concern of adolescent alcohol abuse is the effects that abuse has on puberty. The results of the abuse may be most prevalent in the growth of the adolescent. It has been shown in both human and animal studies that alcohol consumption can stunt the physical growth of an adolescent approaching and during puberty. Arriea and Tarter (1991), stated that, â€Å"normal physical growth is dependent on a complex interaction between genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences† (P. 53). Alcohol severely effects this interaction. Treatment Whenever we talk about alcohol abuse with adolescents, we must talk about the treatment. Without proper treatment, the adolescent will end up in the same place over and over again. In the study done by Bukstein (1994), he stated that, â€Å"treatment for adolescents currently are undergoing rapid changes,? , by reducing their costs and emphasizing less restrictive treatment modalities† (p. 298). Many of the longer 28 or 38 day inpatient programs are being transformed into outpatient or partial hospitalization plans. Because these shorter programs have not been around long enough to gather information for testing, it is unable to tell if they are going to have any kind of affect on the adolescent’s rehabilitation. I feel that these cuts will have a negative effect on the treatment of youngsters. I think that these shorter programs may work for adults, but they will not work well with the adolescents because of the emotional immaturity present in young people. While many researchers believe that traditional treatment programs are the key, there has been some interest in alternative programs. According to Bukstein (1994), many programs are beginning to integrate an array of, â€Å"family or behavioral treatments, health services, vocational and educational services, and recreational activities in addition to 12-step principles† (p.299). This kind of treatment combines traditional 12-step programs with new innovative ideas of reaching the child through various activities. Once again, this kind of treatment is not yet able to be tested because of its immaturity. It will be very interesting to see what kind of affect this treatment will have. Conclusion There are many factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol abuse. These factors may be psychological, environmental, social, or cultural. If these factors were detected in an adolescent at an early age, it could prevent the adolescent form abusing alcohol. Health problems due to heavy alcohol abuse could also be prevented if these factors are detected early enough. Treatment is a crucial part of dealing with an adolescent that is suffering from alcohol abuse. I believe that much research must be done to ensure that methods are being executed properly. There has been some effort to combine new treatment with traditional ones. I believe that this is a good thing. It will be interesting to see if this new treatment will help. References Arria, Amelia M. , Tarter, Ralph E. (1991). The effects of alcohol abuse on the health of adolescents. Alcohol Health and Research World, 15 (1), 52-57. Bukstein, Oscar G. (1994). Treatment of adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence. Alcohol Health and Research World, 18 (4), 296-301. Chong, M. Y. , Chan, K. W. , & Cheng, A. T. A. (1999). Substance use disorders among adolescents in Taiwan: Prevalence, sociodemeographic correlates and psychiatric co-morbidity. Psychological Medicine, 26 (6), 1387-1396. Clark, D. , Lesnick, L. , & Hegedus, A. (1997). Traumas and Other adverse life events in adolescents with alcohol abuse and dependence. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (12), 1744-1751. Clark, D. , & Bukstein, O. (1998). Psychopathology in adolescent alcohol abuse and dependence. Alcohol Health & Research World 22 (2), 117-121. Epstein, J. , Botvin, G. , & Diaz, T. (1999). Impact of social influences and problem behavior on alcohol use among inner-city hispanic and black adolescents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 60 (5), 595-604. Rhode, P. , Lewinsohn, P. , & Seeley, J. R. (1996). Psychiatric comoribidity with problematic alcohol use in high school students. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 35 (1), 101-109. Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Juvenile Delinquency.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Composers in the 19th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Composers in the 19th Century - Essay Example Some of the greatest music ever produced came from composers in the 19th century. It was a period of renaissance and change throughout the globe brought about by numerous events both political and cultural. Nationalistic movements and the sweeping tide of romanticism were just two of the major events that influenced musical output during the time.The period of romanticism acted as a counter to the dawning age of enlightenment where truth through the process of scientific deduction became the new way towards modernity During the 1848 revolution, music critics defined Romanticism as a political and philosophical matter. It had very little to do with what was happening in society among the common folk. Most romantics were viewed as embracing romanticism, not to avoid the real world but to deal with the new age of enlightenment where rationality was threatening to sweep away religious and arcane beliefs. Romanticism was concerned with feeling, emotional expression, imagination and boundl essness rather than rationalistic thinking or subject matter. The movement was exemplified in the arts - literature, music and paintings, with emphasis on the aesthetic experience and the wonderment in the magnificence of nature. . Among the other attributes of Romanticism were a profound appreciation of all things natural, a heightened praise of emotion over logic and the human senses over the intellectualism; a rather introspective examination of oneself and personality with all its facets, including moods, emotional attachment and cognitive potential; also a obsession with the inner self where the hero lies and the awakening of the genius; a call to action from the extraordinary individual; attention to the passions and internal struggles; a fresh look at the artist as the gifted originator of the art forms be it literature, paintings or music; an artist who demonstrates that his passion for his art form is far more important than adherence to established convention or set of law s that the rest of society follows; a greater importance to the imagination as the access door towards inspirational experience that is uplifting and spiritual in nature; an imagination that is employed for the quest of truth and higher learning; also an unusual interest in the occult, the mystic and folklore; study of native and ethnic development, also of medieval practices; a penchant for all things exotic and outlandish, isolated and far away, the mystifying and bizarre, the horrifying and devilish. Romanticism served as a reaction to classicism which was characterized by order, harmony, balance and rationality. Classicism had its roots in historical beliefs and practices founded on Greek and Roman philosophy of life and the universe, particularly referring to the period when both the cultures were at their pinnacle. Classicism speaks of the art or music that was created in olden times while neoclassicism speaks of the artistic work prior to the present time but after antiquity. The term romanticism is attributed to a group of individuals - artists, actors, writers, musicians and thinkers. One of the most famous composers who was part of the romantic movement was Ludwig van Beethoven. Others include Chopin, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Weber, Schubert, and Mendelssohn. Many of them expanded their orchestra and experimented with atypical orchestrations to convey other worldly influences. These composers were a product of their time, swayed by the political and nationalistic events occurring around them.The year 1809 was marked by significant shifts in political and economic landscape that pushed Beethoven's political views in a new direction (Rumph 2004). The French Revolution that successfully toppled the French monarchy in favour of republicanism is generally believed to have inspired the movement of romanticism.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Short primary source essay World War II & the post-war world

Short primary source World War II & the post-war world - Essay Example The World War II severely razed lots of civilians making it a backcloth for genocide killings. It involved the killings by Nazi Germany and other mass slaughters of non-combats. Japan did an extermination of millions of Chinese and Korean nationals. The Soviet Union also carried out mass killings internally with Allies bombing no-combatants in Germany and Japanese. The war ended with the number of dead being more than fifty million. World War II involved battles that were fought in the air, on land and at sea. Among the well documented wars are as follows; Battle of Britain (1940), Stalingrad, El Alamein (1942-1943), Battle of Bugle (1944-1945) and Iwo Jima (1945). In 1944, there was a famous D-Day landing that was considered a turning point in the event of war. It did result to deliverance of Paris, and giving room for Allied forces to draw near Germany. The years after the end of the World War II have seen a remarkable change in Europe and the entire world it once dominated. Before the war, the world was in two spheres led by an exterior power: western sphere by United States and Eastern sphere by Soviet Union. The European countries that dominated colonial empires since Renaissance did lose their power for good. It is in these years that new European initiatives like economic cooperation between countries and political unions were been formed to exceptional extents. It brought the most possessions in the European history. Though Europe’s mighty declined, its impact continues overseas. World War II did leave a power gap in Europe. Initially, Germany, France and Britain were Europe’s leaders and world’s superpowers. The weakness resulting from the World War II left them outranked by United States and the Soviet Union. The two superpowers used Europe as their ground for conflicts. There emerged a cold war between the superpowers with the first round in 1949

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Politics of Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Politics of Crime - Research Paper Example Of course, there is a general societal consensus that certain things are wrong and should be discouraged or criminalized, but for proponents of the Nanny State, the government should seize control of actions and issues where there is no consensus and unilaterally impose its view of morality on these issues. Why is this happening more and more these days? Many experts believe that in an increasingly complex world people are more willing to turn over power to the government in order to make their own lives easier. There is a sense the world can be and should be completely ordered and that government is the right body to do this. This is an unfortunate state of affairs as it tips the important balance between liberty and order far to the side of order. There are so many examples of this way of thinking that it is hard to know where to begin. One of the most shocking examples from recent years is the following headline: â€Å"Chicago Prohibits Foie Gras.† In 2006, Chicago city council voted to ban the delicious appetizer foie gras from the city’s restaurants. Proponents of the ban said the production of foie gras was inhumane. Opponents had a different view. "Government shouldnt be dictating what we eat," said the chef at one French restaurant. The Mayor too was unhappy. "We have children getting killed by gang leaders and dope dealers," he said. "We have real issues here in this city. And were dealing with foie gras? Lets get some priorities."1 These opponents are right. In an era where people expect to be coddled and protected from everything that could possibly harm, they are allowing things as personal as menu choice to be dictated by the government. If an individual does not like to eat foie gras no one will forc e them to eat it; but the Chicago city council went a step further by eliminating this choice completely and limiting the rights of those who do like foie gras. The Nanny State continues to expand, rolling

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Alexander the Great Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alexander the Great - Essay Example His father Philip too was a great and courageous ruler. Some historians say that their relationship was volatile, while others argue that they hated one another. Alexander and his younger sister Cleopatra, had a difficult time, owing to the mutual dislike of their parents, perhaps due to the practice of the king taking lesser wives. With Alexander supporting his much-loved mother, father must have found it difficult to control his exceptionally brave son. Story goes that Olimpias had informed Philip that Alexander was not his son. This cannot be believed, because Olimpias was too shrewd to put her beloved son's chances into jeopardy. Philip gave acute attention to the son's education and needs and when the Prince was 16, Philip made him the Regent while going away for his campaigns. As Regent of Macedon, the young Prince subdued the rebellions and established the city of Alexandropolis, before becoming a general in the army. When Philip was injured by rioting soldiers, Alexander shielded and saved his life, a fact that Philip was supposed to have ignored earning the wrath of his son, who was, not unnaturally for his teenage was prone to temper tantrums and sulking. The famous incident of father and son at each other's throat after Philip's taking yet another new bride, and her brother's calling Alexander a bastard, perhaps never took place. There are no historical evidences for such an incident. Instead, Philip seems to have been ple ased with the unnatural strength and wisdom of his brilliantly handsome son and asked him (he tamed the famous horse Bucephala, when he was only 12), to 'seek out a kingdom worthy of thyself!' From all authentic sources Philip seems to have admired the son's great qualities. But the shadow of the mother was frequently between the father and the son. Alexander was intensely fond of his mother, which must have distanced the father who resented such closeness that had shut him out. There is also another account of Philip preferring his retarded son, Arridaeus, to Alexander. Then again, this story looks improbable, knowing Philip's character and his admiration for heroism, stunning looks and ability, all of which were available in Alexander. Philip would have never risked leaving his throne to Arridaeus, knowing fully well that the retarded Prince was incapable of keeping it without his brave brother's support and if that is the fact, what was the point in cutting out Alexander, who could usurp any moment he chose But going through all evidences, there definitely exists certain evidence that Olimpias was exiled for a while. Perhaps, the devoted young son chose to accompany the mother, because evidence lacks to prove that he too was exiled. Philip was no fool to send away the Prince, whom he has recognised as a general of exemplary qualities. Later the quarrel

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The importance of listing and conserving historic buildings Essay

The importance of listing and conserving historic buildings - Essay Example The fight to save particular buildings or groups of buildings is not the fancy of some impractical antiquarian. It is part of the battle for the sane use of all our resources. The visible link with the past that old buildings give us is important both as a fascinating insight into history and as an expression of the relative permanence of civilized society. Conservation to the architect and public alike is not a fad, fetter or curse: it is a necessity which should also be seen as a stimulating challenge. The built heritage being an irreplaceable and finite resource deserves dedicated protection for the enjoyment of current and future generations (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). Buildings possess artistic, technological, cultural and emotive significance not only to individuals but also to the public at large (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). The loss of buildings of architectural or historic significance is a matter of public interest and is hence considered to be a national threat (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). Historic buildings following the law of nature are exposed to decay making it certain that certain buildings are facing the risk of falling into disrepair or becoming redundant (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). However, through proper maintenance such buildings can be made to survive to be witnessed and cherished by many generations (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). The cost involving regular maintenance and repairs is less (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). However, constant neglect will only deteriorate the condition (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). Apathy or deliberate ignorance will only make things out of control and beyond the financial reach of owners (Maintenance and Repair, n.d.). Though modern published figures by the heritage sector indicate more popularity of history and heritage than ever before, some of our most cherished historic buildings at the very heart

Monday, September 23, 2019

Public Schools vs Private Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Schools vs Private Schools - Essay Example This has led to the question as to why there are disparities between private schools and public schools. This debate is not limited to academic performance but also includes such factors as school funding, classroom quality, libraries, variety of programs offered, security, among several other factors. It is for some of the above reasons that parents usually find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to choosing schools. Parents now have more than enough schools to choose from than before. The government has however written off the performance debate. The United States Department of Education has come up with a report that shows that there is no big difference between the performance in private and public schools as it is believed. Comparisons There are various research and literature that have been written to draw these comparisons. McEwan (103) notes that apart from the very few exceptions, there is no sufficient evidence to make conclusions that are strong and enough to draw concl usions on these comparisons and review of disparities. He blames this on the fact that the nature of schools, the samples that are available and the students, including their selection and sizes, the families, schools and their communities, present so many variables that have not been measured. There are about 46 million students who get enrolled in the public schools in the nation through the various grades up to seniors in high school. About a sixth of the same are enrolled in the private schools Another difference between these two categories is significantly noticeable in the classroom. Despite this, public schools get the financing for their programs from the local, state or federal governments and sometimes from all of them. The admission rules are defined and they therefore have no choice in admitting students. Private schools on the other hand are governed by an elected board of trustees. Additionally, most of them are funded primarily through tuition, contribution from dono rs or endowments. It is for this reason that private schools seem to have enough finances to finance their programs and achieve higher and better standards as compared to public schools. The quality that is witnessed in the classroom is not only limited to the teaching but the environment that is presented. One other major factor is that of classroom discipline. In private schools, the rules are clearly stipulated and laid down when the student opts to attend such a school. The consequences of infraction against the code of discipline are dire. Public schools on the other hand present a different scenario. The constitutional rights in public schools are highly held, and the duration of time under which infractions are dealt with is long, cumbersome and usually complicated. It is no wonder that the quality of classrooms and teaching in private schools is usually high relative to that of public schools. The significance of classroom discipline is noted on the fact that proper discipli ne has a correlation to the atmosphere of learning and when a teacher has control in their classroom, he or she will have a higher power to give quality instructions. There are also very interesting differences between private and public with regard to school libraries. With regard to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal code of ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal code of ethics - Essay Example This paper will focus on answering what ethics is, the ethics that the author stands for, where these ethical believes come from, and what are the major current influences on it. Ethics refers to the evaluation and study of the behavior of a human being in relation to the moral principles that govern the society. Moral principles are the expected standards of conduct that the society requires individuals to live and abide by them (Espejo, 2010). Ethics can also be defined as the principles of behavior that guide the manner in which employees of a certain profession need to behave (Espejo, 2010). Ethics always define the manner in which we as individuals need to behave when we are faced by serious and difficult situations. One of my codes of ethics is always to speak the truth, no matter the consequences of my action. It is always within my beliefs that honesty is the best virtue of life, and an honest society will always prosper in whatever issue they do. It is also within my belief that when people became honest, then chances are high that the various ills within the society will be solved. These are issues like theft and corruption, which always thrive when an individual wants to make a dishonest gain. This ethical code of conduct emanates from my religious beliefs of Islam. The Islamic teachings always advocate for honesty, and sincerity in any dealings between people. In the current era, there is always a need of transparency and integrity in the various business organizations and government institutions. These transparencies and integrity are all elements of honesty. Without honesty, integrity and transparency does not exist. Another ethical value that I believe in is the respect to my superiors and co-workers. Respect is an important virtue as well as an important ethical procedure. Within any organization, there is always an hierarchical structure that outlines who the leaders in the organization are. For anybody

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Medical Marijuana Essay Example for Free

Medical Marijuana Essay Introduction: â€Å"Cannabis isn’t for everybody, but patients are entitled to pick and choose their own medicine.† Michelle Rainey (VanMusic, 2010, Pg. 1) Thesis: The prescription drug companies dispense medicines that are harmful and that is what I am here to change your minds about today. This will explore what Medical Marijuana can be used for, the lies you’ve been told about Marijuana and how corrupt the Pharmaceutical drug companies are. Body: I. Why is Marijuana medicine? 1) What THC does in our bodies (Wikipedia Cannabinoid Receptor, n. d., Pg.1) * Cannabinoid receptors are activated by 3 major groups of: Ligands, Endocannabinoids (found in the mammalian body) and Plant Cannabinoids (found in THC in plants). 2) What can Marijuana treat? (Wikipedia Medical Cannabis, n.d., Pg. 3) * Crones Disease, Glaucoma, Anorexia Nervosa, Huntington’s Disease, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Distoria, A.I.D.S., H.I.V., Menstrual Cramps, Digestive Diseases, Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Appetite Stimulant, Anxiety, P.M.S., Pruritus, Leukemia, Methicillin- Resistant Disease, Tourette Syndrome, Multiple Syntosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Bi- Polar Disorder, Tics, Insomnia, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Hepatitis C, Painkiller, Parkinson’s Disease, Depression, Asthma, Nausea. 3) How do you consume it? * Vaporizers * Bongs * Joints * Pipes * Bubblers * Food II. The lies around Marijuana use. 4) The Gateway Theory (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * Harry Anslinger’s â€Å"Stepping Stone Theory† * â€Å"If you step on this stone Marijuana, then you are bound and determined to go onto the next stone, which would be one of the so called hard drugs.† * For every 104 Marijuana users, 1 uses Cocaine and less than 1 use Heroin. 5) Marijuana Kills Brain Cells (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * The 1947 Dr. Heath/ Tulane Study * Monkeys were administered 30 Columbian strength Marijuana cigarettes everyday for 1 year. Brain damage was determined by counting the brain cells of the monkeys that were given the Marijuana and ones that has not. 6) Marijuana will kill you (Harvey B. -The Union, 2007, Documentary) * There has never been one recorded death that was directly attributed to Marijuana use. III. How Corrupt is the Pharmaceutical Companies? 7) Marinol (, n.d. Pg. 1)(Morrow A., 2009, Pg.1) * THC that has been synthetically reproduced as a prescription drug. * Nauseated or vomiting people cannot swallow pills. * Less dosage control/ Longer to release into system. * Costs $600-$1000 US per month. 8) Pharmaceutical Domination (Goldacre B., 2007, Pg.1)(Mercola, 2010, Pg.1) * In the UK the pharmaceutical trade is the third most profitable activity after finance. * In 2002, 10 US companies on the Fortune 500 list had combined international sales of $217 Billion. * GlaxoSmithKline sued the South African government for trying to supply A.I.D.S. victims with affordable medicines. * Johnson Johnson recently pleaded guilty to illegally promoting it’s epilepsy drug Topamax for psychiatric purposes. Conclusion: Now that you know the truth about how corrupt the pharmaceutical companies are, the lies you’ve been told about Marijuana and how it can be used medically. Next time you have an ache or pain consider smoking a joint before heading out to see the doc. References (n.d.). Medical Marijuana Myths vs Facts. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sucks!. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Mercola. (2010, November 18). The Top 6 Drug Companies Thugs of the Medical World. Natural Health Articles Latest and Current Health News and Information by Dr. Mercola. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Goldacre, B. (2007, August 4). Evil ways of the drug companies | Science | The Guardian . Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian . Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Morrow, A. (2009, April 6). Marinol vs Marijuana Marijuana and Marinol. About Palliative Care Hospice and Palliative Care. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Harvey, B. (Director). (2007). The Union The Business Behind Getting High [Documentary]. Canada: Eagle Entertainment. VanMusic. (2010, October 21). Pot Activist Dies After A Brave Battle With Cancer. VanMusic. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Wikipedia. (n.d.). Medical cannabis Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Wikipedia. (n.d.). Cannabinoid receptor Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Evaluation And Invention Of Social Work Social Work Essay

The Evaluation And Invention Of Social Work Social Work Essay This short study takes up the evaluation and assessment of two social work intervention theories, namely the Task Centred Approach and the Crisis Intervention Method, with special regard to their implications and applications for social work practice. Social workers, in the course of their practice, are often called upon to help people in coping and dealing with different types of difficulties in their lives. Human beings face situations of crisis at one time or the other during their lives (Roberts, 2000, p 11). The crisis theory postulates that the occurrence of crises is normal to life. Such crisis situations can occur suddenly, like family illnesses or a loss of jobs, or be unpredictable, like entering school or growing older (Roberts, 2000, p 11). Individuals attempt to cope with crises with their available mechanisms, but face problems when such mechanisms do not work or when earlier unresolved crises get reactivated. Social workers are often called upon to intervene with individuals and help them in coping with their crises (Roberts, 2000, p 11). The task-centred approach is a progressive and goal-orientated method for social work practice. It constitutes a practice-based approach that is built on research and is being used in a diverse settings and circumstances (Nash, et al, 2005, p 33).  It represents a social work method wherein clients are assisted in carrying out problem reducing tasks within specific time periods. It is structured, problem focused and time-restricted and is being increasingly used in contemporary social service interventions (Nash, et al, 2005, p 33). Crisis intervention is often grouped together with the task centred approach. Malcolm Payne (1991, p 4) sees significant common ground between crises intervention and task centred approaches to social work practice. Both methods focus on problem solving, deal with brief interventions and are related to learning theory. This essay takes up the examination and assessment of these two theories, with especial regard to their communalities, their differences and their relevance for social work practice. Due regard is given to the implications of anti-oppressive practice. 2. Crisis Intervention Theory The crisis theory states that it is important for people to resolve their crises situations and experiences in order to cope with new developments and crises (Aguilera, 1998, p 47). If individuals are unable to resolve their earlier crises, they become more vulnerable to inability to resolve new crises. Individuals who learn new skills to resolve their crises are on the other hand strengthened in coping with future crisis situations (Aguilera, 1998, p 47). Human beings have considerable capacities for handling or dealing with difficult situations. It is only when such difficulties assume significant proportions and people do not have appropriate resources, personal, emotional, social, spiritual or physical, to deal appropriately with stressful circumstances or events that they become involved in crises. Difficult or stressful events do not by themselves result in crisis situations (Aguilera, 1998, p 47). Crises are actually determined by the responses of individuals to specific stres sful circumstances or events and their responses to them. Crises develop only when individuals perceive specific events to be significant and threatening, try to handle such events with their usual coping strategies without success, and are not able to use other alternatives (Aguilera, 1998, p 47). Behavioural and psychological experts perceive crises to be akin to states of psychological disequilibrium. Individuals experiencing crises are likely to experience a range of emotions like feelings of apprehension, anxiety, fear, guilt and helplessness (Nash, et al, 2005, p 37). Other indicators include alterations in eating and sleeping patterns, activity and energy levels and ability to concentrate. People in crises are also commonly known to suffer from depression and withdraw from social intervention (Nash, et al, 2005, p 37). Social work experts argue that whilst the majority of crises run their course or reach some semblance of stability within one or two months, it is necessary for skilled intervention to take place to strengthen the coping mechanisms of individuals. The failure to do so will result in the existence and continuance of crisis associated behaviours, even as the opportunity for change will be forgone (Nash, et al, 2005, p 37). People in crisis often have little by way of solutions and are receptive to external help and assistance (Roberts, 2000, p 19). The provisioning of skilled intervention by social work practitioners during the occurrence of the crises can result in opportunities for individuals experiencing crisis to learn new skills, achieve beneficial behavioural change, and regain stability. Individuals who have been able to successfully cope with crises are strengthened by such experiences and can use their skills in future times of difficulty (Roberts, 2000, p 19). Crisis intervention is essentially a professional response that is limited in terms of time and is used to assist individuals, families, and groups (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 83). Social workers aim to assess the openness of individuals experiencing crises to learning of new skills and mechanisms for coping. They also help individuals in reducing their feelings of helplessness, isolation, and distress and use social resources to help in restoring individuals to their prior functional levels, as soon as practically possible (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 83). Such social work intervention is done through listening, validation, acceptance, normalisation, reassurance, education, advocacy and brokering resources (Nash, et al, 2005, p 38). Crisis intervention can be specifically segregated into 7 stages, namely (a) establishment of communication and development of feelings with individuals that circumstances can become better, (b) assessment of situation, (c) exploration of available strengths and resources, (d) goal setting with the use of such strengths and resources, (e) implementation of plan, teaching of new skills and mobilisation of other support if required, (f) evaluation and adjustment of the plan and (g) follow up and termination of relationship (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 83). It is important for social workers to be skilled in crisis intervention because of the constant demand upon them for helping people in crisis situations (Roberts, 2000, p 19). Social workers are liable to encounter clients with diverse needs, which may in turn require research, strategic planning and the providing of individualised person centred support (Roberts, 2000, p 19). The nature of crisis intervention work also calls for confidentiality and emotional separation in order to deliver services in a professional manner (Roberts, 2000, p 19). 3. Task Centred Approach The task centred approach emerged in response to the slow and inadequate results that were being achieved through traditional casework methods (Reid, 1997, p 134). Traditional casework methods in social work were felt to be of limited use because of their resource intensive nature, their lack of focus, and their ambiguous outcomes, which were difficult to assess and quantify (Reid, 1997, p 134). Reid and Shyne engaged in extensive study in the late 1960s to explore alternate approaches to casework and developed the task centred approach for social work practice, which called for limited but intensely focused intervention periods. The approach was essentially client oriented and required the social worker to act as a facilitator (Reid, 1997, p 134). With the task centred approach helping clients to improve their difficulties quickly, the process was soon adopted for replication and development in the United Kingdom (Reid, 1997, p 134). Studies on the task centred approach revealed that unfocused help, as was provided by the psycho-social approach and the case study method, over long periods, resulted in reduction of hope and self confidence on the part of the client (Nash, et al, 2005, p 42). It also resulted in negative dependency and unnecessary attachments to specific organisations or particular social workers (Nash, et al, 2005, p 42). It was also seen that the setting of time limits for achievement of specific outcomes helped in building expectations of the possibility of rapid change and enhanced participant energy and motivation (Nash, et al, 2005, p 42). Whilst the task centred approach proved to be practically beneficial for clients and also served, reduce and optimise utilisation of limited social work resources, it also facilitated a shift towards the person centred approach, the negation of the assumption of the professional being the only source of expertise, and helped in achievement of greater empowerment and reduction of oppression (Naleppa Reid, 1998, p 63). The task centred approach calls for attention to be paid to social and external issues that affect individuals rather than on perceiving individuals and their psychological histories to be the main cause of their difficulties (Naleppa Reid, 1998, p 63). The task centred approach involves a structured method wherein the social worker firstly assists the service user in articulating the problems in the ways perceived by service users (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 87). The social workers subsequently helps the service user to detail and breakdown the problems, taking care to redefine them wherever necessary and helping the service user to locate important areas for action (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 87). The social worker finally motivates the service user to categorise and prioritise his or her individual problem in line with his or her perceptions (Naleppa Reid, 1998, p 63). The social worker and service user thereafter work in partnership to (a) specify and identify outcomes, (b) agree to contracts and (c) review and assess progress. Social workers who use the task centred approach should be able to positively engage service users and instil trust and confidence (Hepworth, et al, 2002, p 87). Commonalities in Task Centred and Crisis Intervention Approaches Task centred approaches and crisis intervention methods appear to merge well in both theory and practice (Watson, et al, 2002, p 96). Social work research indicates that the use of these methods have proved to be effective with a wide range of clients. Both theories emerged in response to the apparently ineffective outcomes of case work approaches that were grounded in psychodynamic theory (Watson, et al, 2002, p 96). Both methods additionally focus on brief and short term interventions. They are connected to learning theory and based upon problem solving ideas (Watson, et al, 2002, p 96). Both these approaches call upon social workers to engage in participative and joint activity with service users, first to assess and analyse problems and their causes and then take action to deal with such problems (Sandoval, 2002, p 63). The application of these methods thus calls for the use of the person centred theory, the need to place the service user at the centre of the issue and the urgency of viewing the issue from his or her perspective (Sandoval, 2002, p 63). Social workers need to be very good listeners in order to be able to locate the real issues that are troubling service users and thereafter be able to help them with measures to tackle their difficulties (Sandoval, 2002, p 63). Like other social work methods, the task centred approach does have its limitations. It is in the first instance predicated upon the rationality of service users and their willingness to work with social workers (Nash, et al, 2005, p 53). It is also difficult to apply it without appropriate agency support. Despite such limitations the two approaches continue to be very useful, especially because of their instrumentality in increasing empowerment and their integral anti-oppressive approach (Nash, et al, 2005, p 53). The methods increase the abilities of service users through the inculcation of new skills and allow them to deal, not just with their current situations but with future circumstances of difficulty and oppression (Nash, et al, 2005, p 53). Conclusions Social work practice is influenced by many factors that require the taking account of the perspectives of service users, social workers, agencies and society. The approach of individual workers is bound to be influenced by numerous factors that can leave them confused and looking for guidance in their task of assisting service users in difficulties. The task centred approach and the crisis intervention theory provide useful tools to service users to assess the true conditions of service users, participate with them in structured, time bound and joint resolution of problems and empower them to face and overcome oppression. Social workers do however need to understand the implications of these theories and refrain from labeling their actions in all difficult situations to be task centred or critical intervention in nature. The true understanding of the potential and use of these theories will help them significantly in their practice scenarios.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Scopes Monkey Trial :: essays research papers

I think the Scopes trial brought together a great cast of characters: three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan; America's best defense attorney, Clarence Darrow: and its most popular journalist, H. L. Mencken. It was a trial about ideas, a contest between traditionalism, the faith of our fathers, and modernism, the idea that we test faith with our intellect. And it had what the New York Times called the most memorable event in Anglo-Saxon court history: Darrow's calling of William Jennings Bryan, the prosecutor, to the stand and examining him on his interpretation of the Bible. Seventy-five years later, this trial has stood the test of time. Clarence Darrow was a nearly-70 year old attorney who was largely regarded as America's most eloquent defense attorney. He had the ability to transform almost any courtroom trial into a much larger context, and raised large social and political issues that captured the public imagination. He also had a very good sense of humor, which sometimes got him into trouble, as in the Scopes case, when complaining to the judge after his request to introduce scientific expert testimony had been rejected said, "Why is it that all of our requests are rejected?" The judge answered, "I hope you do not mean to reflect upon the Court?" Darrow replied, "Well, Your Honor has the right to hope." H. L. Mencken was the reporter who played a large role in the trial, and is well-known as one of America's most colorful, acerbic, and in his own way, prejudiced reporters, but his colorful reporting added greatly to our understanding of the trial. William Jennings Bryan was a three-time failed presidential candidate who, in the years preceding the Scopes trial, had transformed himself into a sort of fundamentalist pope. He campaigned against evolution, at one time offering to pay $100 to anyone who personally could prove that he descended from a monkey. If the trial were held today, the law would be held unconstitutional as a violation of the U.S. Constitution's establishment clause in the First Amendment. The trial would thus have been decided on the motion to quash the indictment, and there would have been no witnesses and none of the entertainment that we got in 1925. Scopes' Place in Culture The Scopes trial came at a crossroads in history - as people were choosing to cling to the past or jump into the future.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lily’s Reflections in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse Essay

Lily’s Reflections in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse Embodying the spirit of the female artist, Lily Briscoe in To the Lighthouse examines critical issues pertaining to her role in Virginia Woolf’s novel. In Part Three of the novel, Mrs. Ramsay’s legacy plays an especially important role in Lily’s thinking processes. Flowing experimentally like the sea that day, Lily’s thoughts encompass the novel’s themes of the passage of time, the role of the woman, and the role of the artist. Though time can break down physical matter, its prodding cannot disperse vivid memories. In the beginning of Part Three, Lily feels that Mrs. Ramsay’s death signals the deadening of emotions over time, for she can feel â€Å"nothing, nothing – nothing that she [can] express at all† (125). Lily feels that without Mrs. Ramsay’s art of bringing people together, everything becomes â€Å"aimless†, â€Å"chaotic† and â€Å"unreal† (126). Lily echoes Mr. Ramsay’s sentiments of having â€Å"perished† and wishes Mrs. Ramsay were in charge of the household again (126). Although Lily is a friend of the Ramsays, she is deeply affected by the unravelling of the Ramsay’s family life and remarks, â€Å"The empty places. Such were some of the parts, but how bring them together?† (126). Lily is able to solve this dilemma at the end of the story; however, for the moment, she can only imagine Mrs. Ramsay saying â€Å"life sta nd still here,† for this is the older woman’s way of turning a moment into something permanent (138). Later in her mind’s eye, Lily sees Mrs. Ramsay through William’s eyes and thinks â€Å"beauty had this penalty – it came too readily, came too completely. It stilled life – froze it. One forgot the little agitations; the flush, the pallor, some queer distortion, some light or s... ...izes it on the canvas. Lily is no longer a passive woman confused about her artistic abilities. Time’s passage is inevitable, but Lily learns that she can match wits with time by using her artistic talents. Mrs. Ramsay had shown Lily that time can be stopped with beauty, but Lily opts for a more realistic capture of time with artwork that transcends all ages. As a female artist, Lily dashes Mrs. Ramsay’s hopes as well as overcomes the societal expectations for her to become married. Not only does Lily redefines what it means to be a woman, she also renews the image of the artist. Intertwining her reflections on time, womanhood, and artistry, Lily emerges as a more mature person in the end of Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse. Work Cited Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse. Edited by Susan Dick. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishers 1992.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Ethical Values of the Music Art of the Ancient Greeks: A Semiotic E

The Ethical Values of the Music Art of the Ancient Greeks: A Semiotic Essay ABSTRACT: Humanity requires for its satisfaction Beauty and Good, that is, love, wisdom, and courage. Put differently, the necessity of order, equilibrium, and harmony. These values ground one of the most elevated planes of the spiritual life: music. Its moral force in the education of the mind, soul, and behavior of the human person has been emphasized by the ancient Greek philosophers. This important message exists as a pattern crossing the centuries. I will try to reveal the unity  ¡Ã‚ ¥ethics ¡Ã‚ ¦/ethike -  ¡Ã‚ ¥music ¡Ã‚ ¦/melos by using the semiotic organon. Suggested by the very remarkable interest taken in the music in the works of the ancient Greek philosophers, our attempt ¡Xa semiotic attempt ¡Xwould succeed in getting us closer to the meaning of what is called "the ethos of music" in the civilization of ancient Greeks. The model of semiosis allows us the investigation of the  ¡Ã‚ ¥sign ¡Ã‚ ¦: music, in its structure, in its act and its functionality which means communication and signification. Thus we can identify  ¡Ã‚ ¥the music-sign ¡Ã‚ ¦ through the expression of the sense ¡Xthe sense that "is conceived as an evidence, as the feeling of comprehension, in a very natural way" (1) ¡Xand through the significance. Thus, our guidance implies  ¡Ã‚ ¥sign ¡Ã‚ ¦,  ¡Ã‚ ¥expression ¡Ã‚ ¦,  ¡Ã‚ ¥signification ¡Ã‚ ¦Ã‚ ¡Xthe triad that brings together the coordinates of semiosis; defined, it, by Charles S.Peirce through the cooperation of the sign, its object and its interpretant (2) and by U.Eco: "the process through which the empirical individuals communicate and the processes of communication become possible thanks to the systems of significance" (3). This semiosis is put in evidence by different semio... ...f. Th.Reinach, La musique grecque, Payot, Paris, 1926; C.Sachs, The Rise of Music in the Ancient World, W.W.Norton & Comp. Inc. New York, 1969. (11) Platon, Gorgias, in Opere, vol. I, Ed. Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1975. (12) Th.Reinach, op. cit., p. 158. (13) Aristotel, Politica, Ed. Cultura Nationala, Bucuresti, 1924, p. 201. (14) W.Fleming, Arte si idei, Ed.Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1983, vol. I, p. 104. (15) C.Popescu, in vol. II, Partea 2, Filosofia greaca pina la Platon, Ed.Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1979, p. 778. (16) Platon, Republica, in Opere, vol.V, Ed.Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1986, p. 190. (17) Diogenes Laertios, Despre vietile si doctrinele filosofilor, Ed.Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 1963. (18) Ch.Morris, Signs, Language and Behaviour, New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946, p. 118.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My worldview as a Christian Essay

This essay is for the purpose of formally stating my worldview as a Christian and demonstrating how I perceive reality when it pertains to certain issues. While this will not have changed much from my original worldview outline, it serves to expand on the issues and give intelligent analysis to my beliefs. As this semester draws to a close, and I re-evaluate my worldview outline, I a consistency between my beliefs and those presented in the course material. After analyzing the major questions, I have been able to find academic support for each belief that I hold. The first question we were asked was ‘Who is God, and what is he like?’ my initial answer was that God is the creator of heaven and earth, the supreme celestial being that oversees and influences everyday events. As to His characteristics, I believe that he is absolutely just while being full of grace. He is absolute power, under perfect control. He has intense emotions, but perfect reactions to them. That is who God is to me. The second question was about humans, what they were, and what happened when they died. A human is a being created in the image of God, with capabilities for reason, and an innate understanding of right and wrong. When a human dies, they go to one of two places. Those who have chosen to follow God will go to heaven. Those who don’t will go to hell. The third question was ‘what is the nature of the universe?’ When I hear that, I have to ask what they mean by nature. I have to look around and say ‘is it the actual physical world, and how it fits into a bigger picture? I would assume so, and say that by nature, what God created was good, And was later polluted by sin. The most confusing question was ‘how do I know what I know, and how do I know it’s true?’ I know what I know because of what I’ve been told, and what I’ve experienced, and how I apply it through the filter of my faith and values. And I kn ow that I know because if I didn’t know that I knew I wouldn’t be able to analyze this question about knowing. The next question was the only one that my answer changed slightly. What is right and wrong, or does it exist? Right exists, but wrong is only the absence of right, not something in and of itself. And the only way we can discover it is through the experiences, of ourselves and others, and through the filter of God’s word. Is life pointless or is there a purpose? If we believe God creates us, we must believe that there is a reason. I believe my purpose is to help people through hard times, since I have gone through enough hard times that I can empathize with them. Each person has a unique attribute that helps them glorify God in some way. What core commitments are consistent with my worldview, and how do they impact my life? I’m still not exactly sure about what is meant by core commitments, but the actions and values that I hold myself to identify key aspects of my worldview. I would say that the things I do are very consistent with my moral and spiritual beliefs. My worldview is based a lot on faith, and I try to find reason for what I believe. I do need to evaluate if the beliefs that I have actually have base in reality, scientifically and morally. I have very strong beliefs and opinions, as a result of coming from a very opinionated family. My worldview is very consistent with the perspectives expressed in the coursework. I have a fairly weighty background in biblical studies from other schools, and so have been exposed to this subject more than the average student. As a result, my worldview has been shaped by what I have learned, and there were few if any contradictions between what I believe and what was presented. My worldview passes (to my knowledge) all of the four tests of a worldview. In the test of evidence, my worldview draws from personal experience and scientific reason, and assumes (if not proves) the existence of a God who embodies the characteristics I have identified. In the test of logical consistency there is no reason to doubt what I have seen or read, and I try not to act outside of my beliefs in a way that would cause any inconsistency to be evident. In the test of existential repugnance, it is possible to live the life that I am attempting to live in the ‘outside’ world. Anyone can live a moral life and follow specific rules about how we should govern ourselves, but not on their own. And the test of human nature is consistent with my belief on the nature of humanity. Nothing about humanity suggests that we are not designed by a higher being, and everything points to inherent value that other creatures do not and can not possess. My worldview affects everything about my actions, because I will not leave that frame of reference without changing part of my worldview. I cannot act outside of my worldview, because I will always analyze things based on what I assume to be right information, and will act accordingly. My worldview has stayed consistent throughout this course, and if it has changed at all it has been a subconscious change. I have had a good upbringing and a solid background in biblical studies, so I did not hear anything that was shockingly new or revolutionary. Cosgrove, M. P. (2006). Foundations of Christian thought: faith, learning, and the Christian worldview. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. Strobel, L. (2000). The case for faith: a journalist investigates the toughest objections to Christianity. Grand Rapids, Mich.: ZondervanPublishingHouse. Wilkens, S., & Sanford, M. L. (2009). Hidden worldviews: eight cultural stories that shape our lives. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academi

The French Revolution

The French Revolution was an uprising in human history that changed the way of life for many. The poor became poorer, the people became mostly jobless, the cities became even more lifeless. Not only did the Revolution affected music in the 1700s but it still has an effect on modern day music. The Revolution had an impact on many things; one of the many things being music. The French Revolution was also an evolution for music. The leaders of the Revolution wanted to end the aristocracy; they soon realized music could influence people so they used music to achieve their goals. The purpose of music during the Revolution was to unite a group of people to take action. The music was used to get people to feel nationalism pride and rise against the aristocracy. The Revolution influenced a numerous amount of composers. The emotions the composers felt during this time period influenced the way music was produced. The churches were the main supporters of musicians. They relied on people that could compose, conduct, and play the organ. Because the church demanded this, people obtained a living by working for the church. Musicians could also gain patronage from an aristocrat as another way to earn a living. â€Å"Kapellmeister is someone who is a composer, conductor, a performer, and organizer†(Kingsnews). The wealthy families would often hire these people to write and perform small pieces of music for entertainment. When the Revolution took place the aristocrats lost their fortunes, loss of music centers resulted from small states being consumed by neighbors. Public concert halls raised from the change. People had more availability to music because of this rise. However, the public wasn't interested in heavy music. â€Å"The limits of music were not allowed to go beyond that of what was politically and socially acceptable to the old regime†(Kingsnews). The changes caused by the Revolution caused many people to lose their jobs which in turn unemployed many musicians. These changes affected many musicians because their music did not fit the popular trend of music. In the time of the French Revolution people often used their musical talents to get what they need. In the book, Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly on page 138 in the first paragraph gives an example of how music was used to people's advantages. Levesque, the inn-keeper, makes a deal with Alex's family; as long as they sing songs for his guests in the tap room he will give them a place to sleep. In the book, Revolution, on pages 114 and 115 Alex mentions that she, her father, and her uncle puts on puppet shows. She then says â€Å"We were all hungry, all thin, for the harvest was poor and the winter long.†(Revolution) Two paragraphs below Alex goes on â€Å"My mother wept. My brothers, all five of them, joined her.†(Revolution). Within this journal entry, Alex explains her family's means of collecting money. Alex also plays her guitar for the Little Prince. When the Little Prince is locked in the tower she plays loudly hoping he can hear her. In today's society, music no longer depends on the churches or patronage. The music style today varies from the style of music during the Revolution. Whereas classical composers made money during the Revolution, they would have a very difficult time earning money composing classical pieces. Another difference that stands out is the â€Å"performance and the ‘look' of the musician†(Kingsnews). During the French Revolution people listened and gave money because of the feelings that emit from the song. However, today's society buys music â€Å"based on the attractiveness of the musicians†(Kingsnews). Even though the evolution of music has changed dramatically people today still use music to tell a story, for entertainment, to influence one another. However, instead of using music to influence people to end aristocracy, music is produced to influence people to stand up for what they believe in. Modern music comes from the classical music that was created during the French Revolution. Modern musician uses the works of those who lived before them to inspire their own piece. Some musicians and their songs that were inspired by classical music are â€Å"Elvis Presley – I Can't Help Falling In Love With You ; It's Now Or Never, Queen – It's A Hard Life, Barry Manilow – Could It Be Magic, Lady Gaga – Alejandro ; Bad Romance, Beyonce – Schubert, and many more musicians†(ClassicFM). Throughout the book, Andi does some similar things that Alex did during the French Revolution. One of these things is her music. Alex played her music in the streets of Paris for money. However, Andi doesn't think of this at first. Andi stumbled upon this by accident. On page 96 in the book, Revolution, Andi is sitting on a bench when she hears a note from â€Å"Norwegian Wood†. She starts playing the song on her guitar, an old man drops a coin into her guitar case. On page 120 of Revolution, Andi is facing a problem; she is hungry. She tries to take money off her ATM card but is declined. After having a conversation with Minna Dyson Andi comes to the conclusion to play her music on the streets to make money so she can buy food. Later on page 122, a guy asks Andi if she wants to jam, to which she replied yes. They get a few more coins tossed in the case. After a little while, they split the money and head to a cafe together. On page 128 of Revolution, Andi meets Virgil, the â€Å"Hip-Hop master†. Andi, Virgil, and Jules starts playing music in the cafe. They're playing in the cafe to earn some food. Remy, the cafe owner, tells them to play sad songs because then people will drink more. It's just like the time when Alex and her family need a place to sleep, but instead Andi, and Virgil is playing for food. Andi goes to a party with Jules and Virgil, they pass through the catacombs to get to this party. The cops soon show up and everyone scatters. In the midst of running Andi trips and hits her head. When she wakes up she is now in the 1700s; the French Revolution to be exact. While she is in this time period she remembers what she read in Alex's journal entries. On her way a shop to get new guitar strings, she sees the tower that the Little Prince is being held. Without thinking, Andi starts to play for him. Malherbauro tries to get her to stop but she keeps playing louder. Soon guards show up, they tell Andi to stop playing and move along. When Andi doesn't respond or stop playing the guard hits Andi in the head with the butt of the gun. In Andi's journey through this time period, she experiences what Alex experienced. The French Revolution impacted many things; one being music. Music during the French Revolution had a greater purpose than today's music. However, today's music influence people in a way music should influence people. Alex and Andi both used their talents to their advantages to get what they need. Although the French Revolution changed human history and many other things, it brought upon the evolution of music. The French Revolution The French Revolution was an uprising in human history that changed the way of life for many. The poor became poorer, the people became mostly jobless, the cities became even more lifeless. Not only did the Revolution affected music in the 1700s but it still has an effect on modern day music. The Revolution had an impact on many things; one of the many things being music. The French Revolution was also an evolution for music. The leaders of the Revolution wanted to end the aristocracy; they soon realized music could influence people so they used music to achieve their goals. The purpose of music during the Revolution was to unite a group of people to take action. The music was used to get people to feel nationalism pride and rise against the aristocracy. The Revolution influenced a numerous amount of composers. The emotions the composers felt during this time period influenced the way music was produced. The churches were the main supporters of musicians. They relied on people that could compose, conduct, and play the organ. Because the church demanded this, people obtained a living by working for the church. Musicians could also gain patronage from an aristocrat as another way to earn a living. â€Å"Kapellmeister is someone who is a composer, conductor, a performer, and organizer†(Kingsnews). The wealthy families would often hire these people to write and perform small pieces of music for entertainment. When the Revolution took place the aristocrats lost their fortunes, loss of music centers resulted from small states being consumed by neighbors. Public concert halls raised from the change. People had more availability to music because of this rise. However, the public wasn't interested in heavy music. â€Å"The limits of music were not allowed to go beyond that of what was politically and socially acceptable to the old regime†(Kingsnews). The changes caused by the Revolution caused many people to lose their jobs which in turn unemployed many musicians. These changes affected many musicians because their music did not fit the popular trend of music. In the time of the French Revolution people often used their musical talents to get what they need. In the book, Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly on page 138 in the first paragraph gives an example of how music was used to people's advantages. Levesque, the inn-keeper, makes a deal with Alex's family; as long as they sing songs for his guests in the tap room he will give them a place to sleep. In the book, Revolution, on pages 114 and 115 Alex mentions that she, her father, and her uncle puts on puppet shows. She then says â€Å"We were all hungry, all thin, for the harvest was poor and the winter long.†(Revolution) Two paragraphs below Alex goes on â€Å"My mother wept. My brothers, all five of them, joined her.†(Revolution). Within this journal entry, Alex explains her family's means of collecting money. Alex also plays her guitar for the Little Prince. When the Little Prince is locked in the tower she plays loudly hoping he can hear her. In today's society, music no longer depends on the churches or patronage. The music style today varies from the style of music during the Revolution. Whereas classical composers made money during the Revolution, they would have a very difficult time earning money composing classical pieces. Another difference that stands out is the â€Å"performance and the ‘look' of the musician†(Kingsnews). During the French Revolution people listened and gave money because of the feelings that emit from the song. However, today's society buys music â€Å"based on the attractiveness of the musicians†(Kingsnews). Even though the evolution of music has changed dramatically people today still use music to tell a story, for entertainment, to influence one another. However, instead of using music to influence people to end aristocracy, music is produced to influence people to stand up for what they believe in. Modern music comes from the classical music that was created during the French Revolution. Modern musician uses the works of those who lived before them to inspire their own piece. Some musicians and their songs that were inspired by classical music are â€Å"Elvis Presley – I Can't Help Falling In Love With You ; It's Now Or Never, Queen – It's A Hard Life, Barry Manilow – Could It Be Magic, Lady Gaga – Alejandro ; Bad Romance, Beyonce – Schubert, and many more musicians†(ClassicFM). Throughout the book, Andi does some similar things that Alex did during the French Revolution. One of these things is her music. Alex played her music in the streets of Paris for money. However, Andi doesn't think of this at first. Andi stumbled upon this by accident. On page 96 in the book, Revolution, Andi is sitting on a bench when she hears a note from â€Å"Norwegian Wood†. She starts playing the song on her guitar, an old man drops a coin into her guitar case. On page 120 of Revolution, Andi is facing a problem; she is hungry. She tries to take money off her ATM card but is declined. After having a conversation with Minna Dyson Andi comes to the conclusion to play her music on the streets to make money so she can buy food. Later on page 122, a guy asks Andi if she wants to jam, to which she replied yes. They get a few more coins tossed in the case. After a little while, they split the money and head to a cafe together. On page 128 of Revolution, Andi meets Virgil, the â€Å"Hip-Hop master†. Andi, Virgil, and Jules starts playing music in the cafe. They're playing in the cafe to earn some food. Remy, the cafe owner, tells them to play sad songs because then people will drink more. It's just like the time when Alex and her family need a place to sleep, but instead Andi, and Virgil is playing for food. Andi goes to a party with Jules and Virgil, they pass through the catacombs to get to this party. The cops soon show up and everyone scatters. In the midst of running Andi trips and hits her head. When she wakes up she is now in the 1700s; the French Revolution to be exact. While she is in this time period she remembers what she read in Alex's journal entries. On her way a shop to get new guitar strings, she sees the tower that the Little Prince is being held. Without thinking, Andi starts to play for him. Malherbauro tries to get her to stop but she keeps playing louder. Soon guards show up, they tell Andi to stop playing and move along. When Andi doesn't respond or stop playing the guard hits Andi in the head with the butt of the gun. In Andi's journey through this time period, she experiences what Alex experienced. The French Revolution impacted many things; one being music. Music during the French Revolution had a greater purpose than today's music. However, today's music influence people in a way music should influence people. Alex and Andi both used their talents to their advantages to get what they need. Although the French Revolution changed human history and many other things, it brought upon the evolution of music.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Introduction to China

Introduction to China Topic: Experience (Likes and dislikes) in China 2011/2012 Introduction I have been in China for more than two years. Early experiences in China and current experiences have a lot of differences. Early days I had so many funny experiences. I am going to start my paper with the funniest experiences. Here it is. When I was coming to China my friends told me that when you meet Chinese people they will say you You should reply the same. Then they will ask you You should reply One day I met a Chinese guy. He told me . I replied the same. Then he asked me I replied And the guy stared at me strangely. At that time I did not know why, but now I know. Another day I went to a restaurant to have my lunch. When I was coming back I met someone and he also greeted me . I replied so. Then he asked me I thought he was asking me whether I have taken my meal or not. So, as usual I said Then he thought for a while and said â€Å"yes, yes I know where the Chifanle country is. It is in Africa, isn’t it? † I said â€Å"No, it was in restaurant† because I thought he asked me where I had my lunch. It was totally a mess. Still now when I remember this I burst out laughing. My likes and dislikes about China: People in the same situation can describe an object positively or negatively due to difference in perception. So, what can be liked by one may be not by another one. However, as I am asked to provide some of my likes and dislikes in china, I am providing it from my perception. My objective is neither to hurt nor to please anyone. If someone is glad to hear my likes it is my pleasure and if someone is hurt I am extremely sorry. My likes * I like the helping tendency of Chinese people. When I came to china I was in trouble in the beginning. I did not find anybody with whom I can speak in English and be understood. But I was really astonished that they were trying to find some way to help me. I was really happy to see the helping tendency. * I like that China has successfully converted its large population into manpower. From an economic point of view, this is one of the major reasons the country have the fastest growing economy in the world. Labor here unlike in the western world is cheap coupled with the availability of technology. Chinese people are hard working in comparison to people in other countries. As I believe that industry is the key to success, so I admire them. * I like Chinese food though most of my classmates complain that Chinese food is spicy. Actually in my country we also eat spicy food. So, I have no problem with spicy food. * China’s natural scenery is unique and famous as one of the most beautiful on the earth. I like the natural scener y of china especially the hills and mountains of china. I also visited some places in china. It’s really wonderful. My Dislikes * I have not yet become fully used to the weather of Wuhan. After coming here I experienced too hot and too cold but it is difficult to tolerate. * I do not like the way Chinese boys and girls fall in love and their frequent change of love. Falling in love is divine and maintaining it is also same, but many are not concerned about maintaining. * Finally I do not like the way the drivers drive cars in China. Most drivers are reckless and won’t give pedestrians chance to cross. I see drivers breaking the traffic rules. Concluding thought China has more ethnic groups and population and has a long enriched history of civilization. If we observe the culture of china and that of my country we see many similarities, and many dissimilarities are also found as well. I respect all the cultural activities of my country as well as China. Before coming to China I was not aware of many of the things that I mentioned in my likes about China and its culture. As the time is passing I am gathering more and more experience about China and its Culture. Now, I like China more and more.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gay marriage

Creating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages. With the belief that marriage is the foundation for procreation, same-sex couples, without the ability to have their own child, should not be allowed the right of marriage. Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with marriage, same-sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against.Same-sex couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. This emotional trauma, as well as the inability to adopt one another's children, is experienced by same-sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same-sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same-sex couples. The legalization of same-sex arriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century.By not allowin g same-sex marriage, the United Sates is creating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages. With the belief that marriage is the foundation for procreation, same-sex couples, without the ability to have their own child, should not be allowed the right of marriage. Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with arriage, same-sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against.Same-sex couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. This emotional trauma, as well as the inability to adopt one another's children, is experienced by same-sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same-sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same-sex couples. Gay Marriage Gay Marriage BY gapping Gay Marriage: The Struggle for Equal Rights Gerald Priest Gene. 195 July 2, 2014 Lily David Since the age of dawn people have fought for equal rights, Blacks, Mexicans and women Just to name a few. In this day of age by now everyone should have equal rights but they do not. The gay and lesbian community is still struggling for equal rights. Gays and lesbian want rights Just like everyone else like marriage. Gay marriage is important to the gay and lesbian community to make them feel equal, have the benefits like others and be socially accepted. Equal Rights In February 2014, Arizona government introduced SHABBY.SHABBY is a bill that would allow business owners in Arizona to legally deny service to same sex couples by citing their religious beliefs. Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SHABBY, Brewer citied â€Å"unintended and negative consequences† (Broody, 2014 peg. 56). Equal rights is a given right, well not exactly. If someone falls into a certain group or c ommunity, like the gay and lesbian community, their rights are very limited. Marriage is one of those rights that the gay and lesbian community does not have. Marriage is a human right which should be allowed for everyone and not discriminate others. BenefitsBenefits plays a major role in gay marriage, not only for finances but medical wise. For example there is a gay couple, not married because the state does not allow it, and one of them becomes very ill and passes away. Well the other partner does not have any rights to claim his partner's body, his partner's family does. The partner can not even plan the funeral or even keep anything that was his partner's. Sometimes this is the case because their family never liked their child being with the same sex, so they punish their child's partner by doing so. So having that title as being married is very important.Most Jobs you have to be married to receive your partner's benefits but how if the state will not allow them to marry. In an article it states, â€Å"The Defense of Marriage Act by the Congress of the U. S. Prevents the same-sex partners from receiving benefits† (Passe, 2012 peg. 459-472). This is Congress denying benefits, their rights to gays and lesbians. Social Acceptance When society see two guys holding hands or even kissing, they call them names, throw things at them, give them dirty looks or even worst cases kill them. Now it is kind of different when people see two girls hold hands or even kiss.Society views says and lesbians as a disgrace, they look down on them like they are not even humans. Gays and lesbians Just want to walk and hold hands without the fear of society showing negative behavior. â€Å"Although sharply divided, public attitudes toward gays and lesbians are rapidly changing to reflect greater acceptance, with younger generations leading the way (Harms, 2011). † Gays and lesbians have seen a change in society, society is a bit more accepting than how it used to be s lowly but surely. Conclusion The gay and lesbian community has overcame struggles to get to where they are at today, but still going through more struggles.The importance of gay marriage is equal rights, benefits and being socially accepted. Gay marriage Creating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages. With the belief that marriage is the foundation for procreation, same-sex couples, without the ability to have their own child, should not be allowed the right of marriage. Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with marriage, same-sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against.Same-sex couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. This emotional trauma, as well as the inability to adopt one another's children, is experienced by same-sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same-sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same-sex couples. The legalization of same-sex arriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century.By not allowin g same-sex marriage, the United Sates is creating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages. With the belief that marriage is the foundation for procreation, same-sex couples, without the ability to have their own child, should not be allowed the right of marriage. Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with arriage, same-sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against.Same-sex couples are denied the right to make decisions regarding their partner's health and medical treatment. This emotional trauma, as well as the inability to adopt one another's children, is experienced by same-sex couples every day. Although many states have adopted civil unions, they are separate and unequal. Same-sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same-sex couples. Gay Marriage Gay Marriage BY gapping Gay Marriage: The Struggle for Equal Rights Gerald Priest Gene. 195 July 2, 2014 Lily David Since the age of dawn people have fought for equal rights, Blacks, Mexicans and women Just to name a few. In this day of age by now everyone should have equal rights but they do not. The gay and lesbian community is still struggling for equal rights. Gays and lesbian want rights Just like everyone else like marriage. Gay marriage is important to the gay and lesbian community to make them feel equal, have the benefits like others and be socially accepted. Equal Rights In February 2014, Arizona government introduced SHABBY.SHABBY is a bill that would allow business owners in Arizona to legally deny service to same sex couples by citing their religious beliefs. Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SHABBY, Brewer citied â€Å"unintended and negative consequences† (Broody, 2014 peg. 56). Equal rights is a given right, well not exactly. If someone falls into a certain group or c ommunity, like the gay and lesbian community, their rights are very limited. Marriage is one of those rights that the gay and lesbian community does not have. Marriage is a human right which should be allowed for everyone and not discriminate others. BenefitsBenefits plays a major role in gay marriage, not only for finances but medical wise. For example there is a gay couple, not married because the state does not allow it, and one of them becomes very ill and passes away. Well the other partner does not have any rights to claim his partner's body, his partner's family does. The partner can not even plan the funeral or even keep anything that was his partner's. Sometimes this is the case because their family never liked their child being with the same sex, so they punish their child's partner by doing so. So having that title as being married is very important.Most Jobs you have to be married to receive your partner's benefits but how if the state will not allow them to marry. In an article it states, â€Å"The Defense of Marriage Act by the Congress of the U. S. Prevents the same-sex partners from receiving benefits† (Passe, 2012 peg. 459-472). This is Congress denying benefits, their rights to gays and lesbians. Social Acceptance When society see two guys holding hands or even kissing, they call them names, throw things at them, give them dirty looks or even worst cases kill them. Now it is kind of different when people see two girls hold hands or even kiss.Society views says and lesbians as a disgrace, they look down on them like they are not even humans. Gays and lesbians Just want to walk and hold hands without the fear of society showing negative behavior. â€Å"Although sharply divided, public attitudes toward gays and lesbians are rapidly changing to reflect greater acceptance, with younger generations leading the way (Harms, 2011). † Gays and lesbians have seen a change in society, society is a bit more accepting than how it used to be s lowly but surely. Conclusion The gay and lesbian community has overcame struggles to get to where they are at today, but still going through more struggles.The importance of gay marriage is equal rights, benefits and being socially accepted. Gay Marriage Gay Marriage BY gapping Gay Marriage: The Struggle for Equal Rights Gerald Priest Gene. 195 July 2, 2014 Lily David Since the age of dawn people have fought for equal rights, Blacks, Mexicans and women Just to name a few. In this day of age by now everyone should have equal rights but they do not. The gay and lesbian community is still struggling for equal rights. Gays and lesbian want rights Just like everyone else like marriage. Gay marriage is important to the gay and lesbian community to make them feel equal, have the benefits like others and be socially accepted. Equal Rights In February 2014, Arizona government introduced SHABBY.SHABBY is a bill that would allow business owners in Arizona to legally deny service to same sex couples by citing their religious beliefs. Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SHABBY, Brewer citied â€Å"unintended and negative consequences† (Broody, 2014 peg. 56). Equal rights is a given right, well not exactly. If someone falls into a certain group or c ommunity, like the gay and lesbian community, their rights are very limited. Marriage is one of those rights that the gay and lesbian community does not have. Marriage is a human right which should be allowed for everyone and not discriminate others. BenefitsBenefits plays a major role in gay marriage, not only for finances but medical wise. For example there is a gay couple, not married because the state does not allow it, and one of them becomes very ill and passes away. Well the other partner does not have any rights to claim his partner's body, his partner's family does. The partner can not even plan the funeral or even keep anything that was his partner's. Sometimes this is the case because their family never liked their child being with the same sex, so they punish their child's partner by doing so. So having that title as being married is very important.Most Jobs you have to be married to receive your partner's benefits but how if the state will not allow them to marry. In an article it states, â€Å"The Defense of Marriage Act by the Congress of the U. S. Prevents the same-sex partners from receiving benefits† (Passe, 2012 peg. 459-472). This is Congress denying benefits, their rights to gays and lesbians. Social Acceptance When society see two guys holding hands or even kissing, they call them names, throw things at them, give them dirty looks or even worst cases kill them. Now it is kind of different when people see two girls hold hands or even kiss.Society views says and lesbians as a disgrace, they look down on them like they are not even humans. Gays and lesbians Just want to walk and hold hands without the fear of society showing negative behavior. â€Å"Although sharply divided, public attitudes toward gays and lesbians are rapidly changing to reflect greater acceptance, with younger generations leading the way (Harms, 2011). † Gays and lesbians have seen a change in society, society is a bit more accepting than how it used to be s lowly but surely. Conclusion The gay and lesbian community has overcame struggles to get to where they are at today, but still going through more struggles.The importance of gay marriage is equal rights, benefits and being socially accepted.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Asia Pacific Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Asia Pacific Business - Essay Example Similarly, China had also begun showing its hyper-growth during the late 70s. According to a report published by The World Bank (2009), it had been observed that the economic performance of Japan and China are even better than that of their complementary countries such as the United States of America and other European countries. In order to recognize the characteristics of business systems currently practiced in Japan and China, it is essential to understand the concept of business system beforehand. Apart from this, culture is also regarded as one of the most crucial factors, which influences business systems directly, as an effective impact can be observed on the economy too. Moreover, internalization has also changed the nature of business systems for more than a couple of decades (Yeung, 2000). In accordance with Padmalingam (2000), Japan and China both share a substantial percentage of similarities that is identifiable in terms of their cultures and social systems particularly owing to their geographical positioning. As a result, over the years, these countries have developed similar characteristics in terms of religion, culture and national identity (Padmalingam, 2002). Besides, it has also been observed that both the countries share almost similar value systems, which have influenced each other on several occasions, quite apparently. However, a critical analysis of the phenomenon revealed that both the countries, i.e. China and Japan, on their path of development, have come to follow two completely separate modern civilizations in order to develop economic policies, especially in the post World War II period. These variances can be framed with the help of different business cultures and varied patterns of economic systems. During the transition period of the post war ec onomic system, it has also been observed that the governmental authorities in Japan and China had a commanding role in order to support the growth of domestic firms